HR workshop on Challenges of Hiring in the Social Sector - Delhi, 23rd August, 2024 with ImpactHire

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Guidestar India is pleased to share the invitation to the HR workshop on challenges of hiring in the social sector in Delhi, on 23 Aug, being organised by ImpactHire. ImpactHire is a collaborative platform that unlocks, creates and improves livelihood opportunities for professionals in the social sector. Catalysed by collaborative efforts and an AI assisted recommendations, it facilitates discovery of job opportunities, aspirational career paths, valuable certification, training and mentoring and wealth of shared learnings for the dedicated sector workers, motivated crossover professionals and passionate volunteers. It helps HR leaders in improving efficiency , quality of Hiring and HR practices .

Select HR Leaders of SPO, Funding Organisations and Senior leaders are attending the workshop. Two such workshops were conducted in Mumbai and Bangalore where 65 HR leaders participated.

Here is a Linkedin post about past workshops.

In case you are interested in attending, please register here.